This is my little brother, Morgan. He is in FOURTH GRADE!!! Time has flown, I cannot believe he is so grown up. I remember vividly when he was born. He was a preemie and only weighed 3lbs 11oz. He sure has grown from there- he hardly meets a food that he doesnt like. In fact I dont think I have seen him turn his nose up at anything- he is pretty much an easy going kid. You can tell by the look on his face, he is excited to be back in school! Morgan is really smart and loves school. Plus he has awesome teachers this year- Mrs. Amborn (Martha, not Jordan) and Mrs. Nosser. Both so sweet and wonderful. Morgan is super excited about becoming an uncle. He is soooo glad that the baby is a boy. One of his buddies (Andy, mentioned in earlier post) is also becoming an uncle this year. I guess having older siblings is not so out of the ordinary anymore. Hope his first day back is wonderful!!!
1 day ago
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