Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 25, 2011

34 Weeks and in the home stretch!

This was last weekend at a wedding shower- we opted out of costumes, its hard enough to find regular clothes that fit! We had a blast with the happy couple, Kelly and Frances! October will be here before we know it!

How far along? 34 Weeks

Baby's size? The nurse practitioner guessed 6lbs. He is advanced :)

Weight gain? 21 pounds

Sleep? Some nights are decent... getting harder to breathe when I lay down.

Foods I am loving? Still LOVE Orange Juice. Like LOVE LOVE it. Tastes like sunshine.

Foods I am hating? nothing!

Symptoms? swollen feet, swollen fingers. The bottoms of my feet feel like I just gone for a nice run- on gravel- barefooted.

Gender? boy. sweet little bunny.

What I miss? nothing.

What I'm looking forward to? Seeing if he has hair. I ran out of nexium for 2 days and the heartburn returned with a vengeance.

Emotions? One big ball of emotion. It's so weird- for years, I have heard people say "oh, just as long as he is healthy..." and that is nice to say and all, but it's just that, something nice to say. It's the say weight as "how are you?" or "bless her heart" or "I'm fine, thanks."
BUT, sometime recently that one little saying completely changed for me, for us. Like, it is such a HUGE, tremendous statement- literally not one thing else matters to me as long as this little boy is healthy. I actually name organs in my prayers, "Let his kidneys be healthy, and his lungs be healthy and his eardrums be healthy, etc." I guess all those wise people that say things like this knew that it would hit me one day and then I would really be a mother.

Accomplishments? we finally hung most of the stuff on the walls in the nursery and I have ordered curtains. FINALLY!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

These are a few of my random favorite things.... today

Favorite Quote:What if we woke up today
with only the things we had thanked God for yesterday.
I have been thinking on this for several days now and trying to make a much more conscious effort to thank God for all of my many blessings.

Favorite Restaurant:DoDiYos
Its this amazing Greek-ish restaurant in Birmingham. Cannot wait to go back.

Favorite Perfume:

Favorite clothing store at the moment: Altar'd State
It is so neat inside. I didn't even realize it was christian based until we were leaving. Such neat gifts and things.

Favorite new find: Birchbox (thanks Leslie!!)

Favorite drink while preggo:
Sobe all natural Lifewater: Macintosh Apple Cherry.
SO GOOD. No calories/ Sugar!

Favorite fabric softener:
This stuff smells so so so good on sheets.
Snuggle Blue Iris and Bamboo Silk

Quite random... hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First day of Fourth Grade!

This is my little brother, Morgan. He is in FOURTH GRADE!!! Time has flown, I cannot believe he is so grown up. I remember vividly when he was born. He was a preemie and only weighed 3lbs 11oz. He sure has grown from there- he hardly meets a food that he doesnt like. In fact I dont think I have seen him turn his nose up at anything- he is pretty much an easy going kid. You can tell by the look on his face, he is excited to be back in school! Morgan is really smart and loves school. Plus he has awesome teachers this year- Mrs. Amborn (Martha, not Jordan) and Mrs. Nosser. Both so sweet and wonderful. Morgan is super excited about becoming an uncle. He is soooo glad that the baby is a boy. One of his buddies (Andy, mentioned in earlier post) is also becoming an uncle this year. I guess having older siblings is not so out of the ordinary anymore. Hope his first day back is wonderful!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

31 Weeks and a BIG boy!

How far along? 31 Weeks
This is a pic of his little nose, lips and chin. precious. I love him so much already

Baby's size? The bump says size of a squash. The ultrasound said 3lbs 9oz 2 weeks ago. My chart says "large for date," sounds like he is going to be a big boy like his dad!

Weight gain? +13. "wow- that Nexium is really working!" says the nurse. (Ten pounds between visits- thanks.)

Sleep? What sleep?? The hip pain is KILLING me. I sleep with a body pillow every night and it doesn't seem to help.

Foods I am loving? Everything.

Foods I am hating? Nothing.

Symptoms? waddle waddle waddle... especially when I am tired.

Gender? Precious little sweet darling boy.

What I miss? Sleep and not feeling so big...

What I'm looking forward to? having my body back and my baby boy in my arms.

Emotions? worry... about everything and CRAZY awful dreams

Accomplishments? Nursery set up, linens in and walls painted!! yea!!! photos coming soon. Almost done with Bassinet. SO proud- Me, my mom, my grandmother and my sister all worked on it- 4 generations!! I am so happy with how its turning out. I dont know how to turn the pic- sorry :)