Baby's size? length of a carrot
Weight gain? +1
Sleep? still pretty good- waking up 2-3 alot to go to the bathroom!
Foods I am loving? Peanut Butter, Edy's Pineapple fruit bars. These are like popsicles, but better! soooo good and good for ya!
Foods I am hating? not hating anything at the moment- can tolerate some red meat but still would rather just stay away
Symptoms? some days, he is quiet as a mouse, then sometimes he plays soccer in there!
Gender? Precious little sweet darling boy.
What I miss? Dan took me to Babalu (its amazing- in Fondren. Do yourself a favor and get there.) last night- REALLY wanted a baba-rita
What I'm looking forward to? having the house totally in order so that we can begin the nursery
Emotions? worry... about everything.
Accomplishments? kitchen allllmost done!
So, we began our kitchen remodel with great intentions- we have wanted to do this since we moved in our house 3 yrs ago. Our house was built in 1950. Almost every room in the house has been updated except for the kitchen. It had original metal cabinets and yellow formica counter tops with a yellow (painted) ceiling. To make matters worse, the previous owners of the house attempted a cheap upgrade and painted the cabinets with regular paint. Regular paint does not stick to metal, in case you are wondering. Now, many of my lovely Vietri dishes have little specks of grey paint on the bottoms. So, with the baby coming, we figured its now or never. Well, my heart goes out to anyone that has remodeled a home. I feel like everything in my life is covered in sheet rock dust. It is a disheveling that is like none other. Our appliances are in our dining room, our dishes/pots/pans, etc. are in the nursery. Oh and did I mention half way through our little remodel, our guest bathroom starts leaking. Well, that room was next on the fixer-upper list so we figured what the heck, lets just go ahead and tile the floor while everything is out of there. So, if you are keeping a list, that is FOUR disheveled rooms in a >2,000 sq ft lovely nest.
BUT, we are just around the corner from the finish line at last! We have been incredibly blessed that our fantastic contractor/carpenter/designer/ man of many hats is none other than my own grandfather. He is such a blessing to us. Just having peace of mind that your best interests are at the heart of the person that is working in your home is golden. I am amazed every single day what he is able to accomplish with his own two hands. Incredibly special. Below are some before/after pics.
BEFORE:I did not make it home before the demo began- they had already removed the hanging cabinets. Just imagine the exact same cabinets hanging on the walls where the white spots are.

dividing wall that is now a bar:

notice Grandpaw working hard behind my stove :)!

AFTER: Ok ok, we are hoping to tile the floor/ paint the walls very soon but until this flood goes down and Dan gets a off day- its kinda impossible.
Sorry for such a long post! Happy Hump Day- hope everyone has a good week!