I wish I would have done this monthly. Better late than never. He is changing so fast!!
Jackson Sharpe Ratliff
Age: 6 months
Weight: 20lbs 6 ounces
Length: 28.5 inches
Head: 46 cm
Percentile: 95 in all three. Big boy!
Teeth: 2 bottom teeth, teething on top!
Eating: 4-5 6 ounce bottles daily. Eats cereal and applesauce for breakfast at nursery. A vegetable for lunch and a fruit and veggie for dinner.
Sleeping: 2-3 naps a day. Sleeps at night from 7:30-5:30. Every now and then, he wakes up a 2-3.
Size: mostly 12 months, some 9 and 18.
*gets up on knees and rocks and scoots but has not crawled.
*says Dadadadada
*sitting up with minimal support
*constantly wants to stand up!
*loves his excersaucer
*decided that he does not want a pacifier any more.
*sometimes likes to be put in his bed to fall asleep rather than being rocked.
18 hours ago