Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bulldogs on a roll!!

How 'bout them dawgs!

It's so exciting for your team to be doing well! I wish I were a freshman during a winning season of MSU football.
I am looking for good tickets to the MSU-Tennessee game October 13th. I would like to get them for Dan for his birthday. If anyone has tickets they would like to sell, please let me know!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

So, I am a little behind. Working from home leaves no free time to blog! My precious darling had his 6 month pictures taken and I am soooo proud! I know that he is mine, but I think he is the most gorgeous, sweetest, most adorable thing there ever was!!! A few of my favs:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In awe

Everyday Jackson looks at me and I am just in awe of the bond between mother and child. It's something that cannot be put into words. He makes me smile constantly.
Also, I think he may be sleeping in the Tebow pose.

Monday, April 2, 2012


I wish I would have done this monthly. Better late than never. He is changing so fast!!

Jackson Sharpe Ratliff

Age: 6 months
Weight: 20lbs 6 ounces
Length: 28.5 inches
Head: 46 cm
Percentile: 95 in all three. Big boy!
Teeth: 2 bottom teeth, teething on top!
Eating: 4-5 6 ounce bottles daily. Eats cereal and applesauce for breakfast at nursery. A vegetable for lunch and a fruit and veggie for dinner.
Sleeping: 2-3 naps a day. Sleeps at night from 7:30-5:30. Every now and then, he wakes up a 2-3.
Size: mostly 12 months, some 9 and 18.
*gets up on knees and rocks and scoots but has not crawled.
*says Dadadadada
*sitting up with minimal support
*constantly wants to stand up!
*loves his excersaucer
*decided that he does not want a pacifier any more.
*sometimes likes to be put in his bed to fall asleep rather than being rocked.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Baby like daddy

On Sunday, we had our annual crawfish boil with the Rogillio side of the family at my aunts house. All of the guys normally fish when we are there. Dan had been fishing for a while when Jackson sat in his lap.
All of a sudden, he got a bite!!!! Jackson wanted the fish!! This little boy is not scared! He wanted to grab it! Just love them to peices!!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sick Baby

First of all, the title is misleading, hopefully (fingers crossed), we are on the upswing of all this illness!! My poor sweet darling has been sooo sick. It started off with the crud. This developed into a terrible cough and then pneumonia and RSV.

Jackson went to the nursery last wednesday like normal and when Dan picked him up, the ladies told him that Jackson had been coughing terribly. We went ahead and called Dr. Weiland and they just told us to give him Robitussin. Then Thursday, around 10:30, Mrs. Penley called with shocking news: 102 degree fever, would not eat and had not had a wet diaper (which is very unlike my little darling). I PANICKED. When I got there, he was sooooo pitiful. We went straight to Dr. Weilands. Nurse Jodi took one look at him and said "I bet he doesnt go home tonight. Looks like he will stay." More PANIC. They needed to do a chest scan thing (excuse the medical terminology) to confirm the pnuemonia. We had heard about this contraption that they use to get a clear picture of the baby's chest. They literally put my baby in a tube. It is the most barbaric thing I have ever seen. Its a tube that keeps their little arms up by their ears and they tighten it with a leather strap. It really scared me. The technition assured me that it was more painful for the parents. She said that all babies cry because they just dont understand what is going on. That it was completely fine if he screams. So here I am, prepping for the worst. Telling myself that "its hard on me, not on Jackson. It will be over in a second. This is all for the best." They strap him in and here goes>>>...
He doesn't make a peep! Just looks at us with those sad eyes. Then he starts licking the tube. He is so stinking precious. Even when he is sick, he has the best disposition. We were admitted on Thursday and released Sunday afternoon. Once we got some pedialite in him, he was so much better.

He was even so sweet to write a note to another patient! Sweet Aunt Jan was in the hospital in Jackson having her appendix out.

On another note that I feel needs to be discussed: We are so glad to be home. We ALL needed some rest. We are so thankful that our little boy was (eventually) taken care of and is now well, but our stay in RR Hospital was atrocious. I slept in the crib with Jackson the first night. I am 5'10"- you see the problem with that? The second night, Dan and I took turns sleeping in a chair and on the floor. We begged for a bed, cot, chair- ANYTHING!!! We were delirious. Having a sick baby wears you out on its own, but not being able to rest a few precious moments when he is sleeping will knock you over the edge. So Saturday night, I am walking downstairs for some fresh air and notice thru a crack that the room across the hall looks much, much bigger. I returned to the room and ask the nurse "Is that a bigger room? with an actual hospital bed??????????" She says "oh yea, they are bigger on that side." My eyes grew three sizes. "What would it take to move over there????????" She says so nonchalantly "oh, you can move over there if yall want."
The heavens parted and angels sang. This room has a crib, a hospital bed, a fold out bed and a rocking chair!!!!!!!! this.WAS.heaven!!!!!! My excitement was immediately curbed by my thoughts that this woman watched me lay down on the floor of a hospital and never once said "ten steps that way is a BED!"
This, coupled with broken equipment (they re-stuck my baby twice because the machine broke down, the scale was broken, the thermometer was broken- see a pattern?), no initial treatment for almost 7 hours (Dr. W ordered breathing treatments every 3), and general lack of common sense. We will not return to RR for treatment. We love our pediatrician and even the pediatrician on call- Dr. Fairchild. But the hospital, no way.

Sorry, been working on this post for a while! We saw Dr. W on Monday, and we are all good! Back in the nursery, almost 100%! yay!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Jackson got christened this weekend. He did so good, never cried once! We are so proud to share our faith with this precious ball of joy.
We were also so proud to carry on the Ratliff family tradition of wearing the baptismal gown that has been worn by the men in this family for almost 100 years. It was snug, but so very beautiful. He looked like an angel.

In other news, Jackson had his first ear ache and cut his first tooth this week. It has been a long one! I seriously do not know what people do when they live far from their families. I am so thankful for all the love that Jackson is showered with. We are very lucky.
Pics from the weekend:

Saturday, February 4, 2012


My husband is a better grocery shopper than I am.
There. I said it. It's not for lack of effort, I just get distracted by all the possibilities. I day dream about what I could cook and how wonderful it would be to live in this make-believe world, where I had all this time try new recipes and a staff to do all the dishes.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ramblings from a new mom

Motherhood: Its one of those things that you just cannot describe accurately, no matter your vocabulary. Its the most exhausting thing that you just cannot get enough of. Its emotionally, physically and mentally draining- but you would not trade it for anything. It is true LOVE.
I LOVE Jackson. And Jackson LOVES Carrots.

He has started "helping" me feed him. This results in a splattering of baby food on me, the floor, the bumbo and most of all- all over Jackson. We have decided that it is much easier to strip him to his diaper, feed him, and then straight to bath time!

We have figured out that Jackson likes his daddy's hat:

Jackson also likes his Great-Grandaddy!

We went for Jackson's 4 month check up on January 30th. We got great reports! He is a happy, healthy baby! He is in the 95% for height and 75-90% in weight. He is a big boy!! We got 2 shots :( but he did pretty good!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

4 months!

Yay! I'm four months old y'all!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Serenity Prayer

I have been saying The Serenity Prayer ever since I was in Mrs. Lucy DeRossette's English Class. I love it but I never realized I was only saying a small portion of it. My grandmother sent me the whole thing today and the rest of it is just as lovely as the first part.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012


Being a mother makes me thankful for our many many blessings. Every giggle, smile, each time he rests his little head on my shoulder, I am thankful for every moment that I get to spend with my child.
I read a quote the other day that said a mother and child are only a few heart beats away from being the same person.
I cannot imagine the terror of loosing a child. It goes against nature. It's just not right. Please pray for those that are hurting now and be thankful for every second.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Friday

I woke up to a happy baby this morning!