Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years!!

2011 was definitely the biggest year of our lives. We got pregnant and had a precious darling baby boy. He continues to bless our lives everyday. Best wishes for 2012!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Story

Just a warning- its a long one!

It all started Tuesday, September 27th. I was not feeling well and I thought I was having contractions. When I got home for lunch I decided to call Dr. Fulton and just see what she thought. She felt like I was just in pre labor, the previous Thursday I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She told me just to head to the hospital anyway and make sure everything was good. Dan was in class in Jackson already, so my Mom and Mimi drove me to St. Dominic's. The maternity ward was HOPPING! It was full! they finally got me in a room and I was having good contractions that were fairly regular, but I had still not dilated any further. So we stayed for our last Lamaze class and back home we went.

I decided to start my maternity leave, I was miserably huge and contracting, I just couldn't get over the "hump." The next two days were spent walking up and down Chambers Street and Baum Street with my mom. I also ate tons of spicy food in an effort to "smoke him out!"

Finally Thursday night something felt different. I called Dr Fulton again and she told me to go to the hospital and if I had not changed, they would give me something to help me sleep and she would see me in the morning. I just KNEW this was it- it had to be!!! Dan and I arrive at St. Dominic's and our not-so-nice nurse proceeds to tell us that I have still not changed and she doubts Dr. Fulton would do anything besides send me home in the morning, so if she were me, she would just go home now...
Back home again and feeling incredibly defeated.

We arrive at Dr. Fulton's office for our regularly scheduled appointment Friday morning feeling exhausted from all the back and forth. Upon seeing me Dr. Fulton says "You look awful, why did you leave the hospital??!" She then checks me and I was 2.5cm dilated!!! CHANGE!!! She informs me that I am stuck in early labor and believes all I need is just a little nudge to push me over the hump and that was what she intended on doing this morning at the hospital. We should not have listened to that nurse last night, we should have stayed at the hospital like Dr. Fulton said in the first place. Always listen to your doctor!!!! So, telling a "large for date" pregnant woman that she had been misinformed by a lazy nurse and that this could be over by now causes immediate tears. I explained to her what we had been told by the nurse last night and she immediately guessed her name. She tells us to go back to the hospital and that she would meet us there.

Finally! Third time was a charm. She insisted that this was not an induction, Daniel and I had decided early on that we did not want to be induced. She met us at the hospital and broke my water. That was all it took! Then the contractions started getting INTENSE! Epidural please!! The epidural itself was a little scary. I felt/ heard the "pop" and it freaked me out. I remember Dr. F saying "try not to loose it, once you loose it-- it is very hard to get it back!" This woman is so wise- words to live by!

My epidural worked very well. Too well on my left side, my leg was completely and totally numb. I lost all feeling and control of it- that definitely freaked me out. I could move my right leg slightly, but not being able to move my left one at all was horribly scary to me.

At 5:45 it was time to push. When they put my feet in the stirrups, I was immediately petrified that my left leg was going to fall. Like pop out of my hip socket because I literally had no control over it. I instructed Dan that he was to hold my leg and DO NOT move! I was so focused on keeping my leg, everything else was not so bad. At one point Dr. Fulton even told me to "quit worrying about your leg, you are having a BABY!!!" The best way I can describe it was that it was work. It was very hard work, like it was just exhausting me. I never screamed or freaked out. I did tell Dan to "shut up" at one point but that was as bad as it got. Our little baby boy was born at 6:34 pm. Dr. Fulton was amazed at how quickly we went. She said most first time moms push for hours. So, she was right. I just needed a tiny nudge!