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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I love this guy

So... my little brother, Morgan, is pretty much the coolest kid ever. Like really a kid- he is 9! He is sooo much fun to be around. He is hilarious and says things like "I have a four-dad!" and then he tries to explain:
"You know..... like You, Courtney (my sister), me, and Dan!! (my husband) There are four of us!"
See what I mean? He comes up with all kinds of stuff that he has to explain to us. He really thought for a long time that Dan was his brother because he doesn't remember Dan not being around. And what can I say... we are not really the lovey-dovey smoochy infront of people type of couple.

Anyway, over the Christmas Holidays, Dan and I took Morgan and two of his buddies, Andy and Lane to a movie in Madison. In their words we went to the "greatest restaurant ever and saw the coolest movie everrrrr!!" Chik-fil-a and Gulliver's Travels.
Lane, Morgan, Andy

If you have not been around 9 year olds lately, this is the age where they constantly attempt to out-do one another with stories of things that they have done, even if its completely ridiculous. This provided a lot of entertainment for Dan and I. So we were on our way home and Dan and I are just listening to the convo in the back and all of a sudden we hear:
"oh yea, well this one time, I got SMOKED BY A TRAIN!"
I think that Dan swerved. Wondering if we had little superman in the back I said "Lane, what do you mean?" He calmly explained to me that on a trip, they were standing on a bridge and as the train went underneath, smoke came out of the top of the train and went everywhere.
Its all in the details.